Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The following is from Gary Anderson, a FairTax Volunteer - a MUST READ:

We are NOT in a fight of left vs. right, R vs. D, or black vs. white. This is a fight to maintain the freedom to dissent. The traditional 3 branches of Government are currently colluding to wrest power from the American People, creating a facist regime bent on world domination.

Our ONLY respite is to energize the FOURTH branch of government, "The PEOPLE" to take back those powers that were delegated by us to them, by reason of their refusal to adhere to the Constitution.

We do this by non-compliance on every level; NOT just a few zealots who are glutton for punishment, but as a "body politic", in unity. First with voices, then with our labor, our taxes, and if need be, our arms.

We are at stage 1. Our voices are being heard in tea parties nationwide, & the polling places. But this fight could be over and lost by waiting to elect a new President. Therefore, our voices must be evermore LOUD.

In times future, you will be called upon for labor strikes, and sit downs; (get used to it!) Also, our tax Dollars must be wrest from their ability to automatically TAKE our money from us by the IRS (fica).

The income tax must GO! -- convenient for now, but absolutely critical for the future, if we are to de-fund the despots! I call on EVERY ONE of you, to DEMAND the FairTax, in every venue and to every person, so that our tax Dollars go directly to THE STATES (to withhold it), rather than Washington DC.

This kind of control will break the back of facism, by starving it into submission (to the people). In this respect, it can be seen that FairTax is not a "nice idea", but a necessary weapon to keep our freedom.

1. Learn your Constitution.
2. Understand the power of the FairTax to YOU (
3. Be willing to remain resolute, despite minor incoveniences, or income constraints.
4. Commit these qualities to every person you come in contact with.

The time is short. The task is gigantic. But our latent strength is unparalled, -- if we choose to use it. This fight is "We the People" vs. the Federal government. One of these will win.

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