Friday, April 3, 2009


There has been much discussion among the Fairtaxers whether or not to join the Tea Parties on April 15th. What better place to express our freedoms and make the FairTax known to the entire nation?

Freedom and Fairtax go together. Get out there and tell the world there is a better way. Wear your Fairtax shirts, hats, pins and hand out your information. Educate these people and the media that we have the solution to our economic woes.

Below is a portion of a letter written by Jeff Locke, a FairTax Volunteer:

What does this country really need?
• A stimulus for all of us! What is more stimulating than our whole paycheck?
• Employment, jobs and a robust economy! No more business taxes means businesses produce cheaper products creating more sales and more jobs for us and our children coming out of college.
• A system that assures everyone pays for medical care, and police and fire protection!! The FairTax assures everyone pays their fair share.
• Save the family farm or business for our children and assure that our retirement and estate remains ours!! The FairTax lets everyone keep all savings and investments and assets.
• And get rid of America’s abomination, the IRS.

Again, stay the course and demand Washington pass HR 25, S 296 and all the financial system ails disappear. All of the ideas I have heard take money to research, study and time to write. Then negotiations and bickering will be needed to create a final bill. When will all of this happen with our present distractions in Washington?

The FairTax needs nothing. It is already researched, studied, written, approved by economists and ready for a vote. Let’s demand that of Washington until we get it. Scream about that at those tea parties.


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