Monday, February 23, 2009


Following is a letter from Gary Anderson, a FairTax volunteer, admonishing us all that now is the time to get out there and march for the FairTax. Do it for yourself:

What does "Critical Mass" look like?

Well, is it like "Pandora's Box"? Or "St. Elmo's Fire"? If (when) the FairTax has reached critical mass, will it tap us on the sholder and say, "Ahem!", or just mow us over in growth? I suppose it depends on what speed you're moving at. As proof, logon to Michelle Malkin's site and hear about four protests in four days, and more coming as I speak. Seattle, Mesa, AZ, Denver, Kansas City, and soon Chicago, L.A. and Atlanta; IT'S HAPPENING, and you don't even realize it. Try "" and Google "tea party".

FairTaxers may be bowled over by their own issue, and only a few are moving with the flow. As example, see this article in IBD today, in which (some) FairTaxers are doing the work to make a difference:

THERE ARE genuine FairTaxers who are VERY hip to what's happening in this groundswell. And if you're waiting for it to happen, maybe it's because it's passing you by. I have been increasingly upset by this "spirit of control" surfacing within FairTax, where we sheepishly wait for "permission" to act, that has an effect of a brakeshoe to the grassroots movement. Everywhere I look there are Americans who are Mad as H---, and doing things with hundreds of boots on the ground. but some of us are still busy setting up booths. April 15th is going to be a great kick in the A-- for FairTax, but not so much as the July 4th march, in several cities simultaneously, and soon up Pennsylvania Avenue.

IF FairTaxers fail to take their rightful place in these marches, we only pave a path for "other tax plans" that will NOT WORK. Get UP, Get Educated to what's going on, and Get OUT there, to LEAD these maddend masses. 90% of them don't know what they want, and if WE don't tell them, it will derail Fairtax, perhaps forever. NOW is the time, to show them the "premiere" tax plan that will cure the ills they can discern, yet not define.

DO NOT wait for an official FairTax "sanctioned" event, with all the Who's Whos to WOW you! YOU are the FairTax! YOU get downtown on April 15th, and lead them in the way they should go. YOU promote other marches in other cities, and YOU fill the web with your presence (as well as your personal presence).

Some of these groups protest the Fed, or free elections, and even the right to assemble: Pay no mind of what issue they shout about, they're shouting for YOU to guide them. BE THERE with your banner, and they will appear as a FairTax army behind YOU! NOW is critical mass, and it's erupting all across this land! If you don't see it-- you just missed it.

Gary R. Anderson

Monday, February 9, 2009


Here are some great FairTax commercials shown on U-Tube, produced by Paul Wizikowski, a FairTax supporter. They are very short and really make their point. I wish we could see them on Network TV:

FairTaxHub "Less" :

FairTaxHub "Collected":

FairTaxHub "How Much?"

FairTaxHub "Her":

FairTaxHub "How it works":

If these links don't work, let me know and I will contact Paul to see how I can do this better. THESE ARE GREAT!