Friday, March 21, 2008


I listened to Obama's speech in Oregon today and determined, with the "new social order" he is touting, that he will need the FairTax in order to keep his constituents. Otherwise, everyone will go broke just trying to pay for all his largesse.

He plans to "give" us all health care. Who does he think will be paying for it? WE WILL! Remember, Corporations do not pay taxes - we do, in the form of higher prices. And where in the Constitution does it say "life, liberty and pursuit of health"?

He plans to "give" all students $4,000 (is it per year or per term? I forget) to help with their higher education. Who does he think will be paying for it? WE WILL! Oh sure, the students will be "required" to do community service, but it is still a huge money drain. Let the prison inmates do the community service and let the students work for their education.

He plans to have our troops home by 2009. Who does he think will be suffering for it? WE WILL! With more lives lost when the Al Queda come to our shores.

He plans to "fix" Darfur. Who does he think will be paying for it? WE WILL! Obama will pull our troops out of Iraq and put them right into Darfur, mark my words. It is all a matter of whose war it is. Remember "Wag the Dog"?

I could go on and on, but you get the picture. You don't get something for nothing. Obama is planning to take charge of all of your dollars, not just your tax dollars. He is planning on re-distributing the wealth of this country - not to you, not to me, but to control our every thought and deed. BE AFRAID - BE VERY AFRAID!


First, health care. With the FairTax, the working people would be able to afford their own health care. After all, they will have 100% of their income to choose the kind of health care they want. The people who don't want health care will not be forced to have it. The poor people who work will have more take-home pay to pay for it. The poor people on welfare will be taken care of with their prebate checks and social services already in place. The older people on Social Security will still be covered by Medicare, low-cost supplemental insurance and prescription drug coverage. That's called Freedom, my friends - Freedom of Choice. If the Government takes your money to spend as "they" see fit, you are no longer free.

Next comes education. Nobody owes you a living. Nobody owes you an education beyond high school. If Obama allows the FairTax, parents can educate their own children without paying a FairTax, which means they will be able to afford to educate their children the way they want to, with 100% of their income. Also, if the students work to help with their education, they will be able to save more money or spend less in student loans. That's called Freedom, my friends - Freedom of Choice. If the Government takes your money to spend as "they" see fit, you are no longer free.

The next two items - The Iraq War and Darfur - have nothing to do with the FairTax. However, it has everything to do with Freedom. We freed the Iraqi's and now we are trying to keep them free long enough to stand on their own two feet. By pulling the rug out from under them (bringing home the troops in 2009), would surely spell defeat for us and defeat for the Iraqis. And would it make us safer? NO! We would have them bombing our malls and our sports stadiums and our schools because by bringing home the troops too soon will bring the enemy right along after them. The troops are fighting for our freedom, my friends - Freedom of Choice.

Saving Darfur sounds very humane - and it is. However, saving Iraq is not? I don't get it. Saddam Houssain tortured and killed his own people, just like what is happening in Darfur. We can't save the whole world. UNLESS - well, I can't help thinking that the FAIRTAX would bring companies back to our shores, bring new money to our shores, bring off-shore money back to our shores, bring JOBS back to our shores. Everyone would prosper from this - not just big business. I have never understood why people are so against big business, when that is where your paycheck is coming from. Why bite the hand that feeds you? Freedom, my Friends - Freedom of Choice.

With the FairTax, you will be free to save, to invest, to educate yourself, to choose the type of health insurance you want, not what the government decides to dole out to you. You will also be free to spend your money how YOU see fit, not how the Government sees fit for you. It's called Freedom, my friends - Freedom of Choice.

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