Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Everyone hates the IRS, except the tax accountants. Nobody can understand the IRS tax code - even the tax accountants. I say it's time to get rid of the IRS - and the tax accountants. Let them get re-trained for another type of work like the loggers in small towns all over the Northwest did after the environmentalists shut down their business.

Below is a quote from a FairTax volunteer and a link to an article about the IRS increasing their audits against taxpayers making over $100,000. Big Brother is watching you! With the FairTax, you wouldn't have to be under constant scrutiny. You would simply pay the sales tax as part of your purchases and thumb your nose at the IRS on your way out the door. Here is the quote:

"You can bet your tax return is wrong, no matter how hard you try to get it right, because NO one can properly understand the complex code. Won't it be nice when the IRS is gone?"


BettyW said...

Don't remember where, but recently read that one person gave his tax return to 40 different tax preparers and CPAs. Guess what? He got 40 different results and no 2 of them were the same!

I am 5'2" and all the pages together in a stack, of the tax code, are about my height! And, growing taller.

What do you think of that?

Anonymous said...

Betty, I'd say you'd better literally "keep your chin up" if you're ever in a tax audit! hehe

PS Wouldn't it be great if Schwartzenegger endorsed Huckabee instead of McCain? Man, would THAT shake the race up! (I saw him interacting enthusiastically with Mike after the Reagan Library debate.)

BettyW said...

Ian, only minutes ago Neal Boortz and Jamie Dupree were talking that Mike Huckabee could/would/will be G-R-E-A-T Vice Presidential material to John McCain. I've secretly had that thought bumbling around in my head. Happy, happy! Although, the public is tiring of McCain & Romney's bickering as with Clinton-Obama. I will NEVER lay to rest concerning My Mike.

As for that cutesy comment, 'Big things come in little packages!' Just try and anger me. heehee!

Anonymous said...

You know, I was saying today what a "droning" voice Obama has. But come to think of it, McCain has a bit of a droning voice too! (Just a whole lot more experience behind it - he knows his sh*t, whereas with Obama, I still get an impression of an adolescent - not really all that sure of himself.) Now, the Huckman has anything but a droning voice!

PS Oh, and I know what 5'-2" anger looks like in a woeman (hehe), I used to be married to such a devil-vixen! :-)

BettyW said...