Saturday, March 14, 2009


The following letter came from Tom Freeman, a FairTax supporter:

Representative Steve King (IA-5) is requesting an hour for Special Orders at the end of the legislative day on this Tuesday, March 17 to discuss the FairTax. The time is anticipated to be around 6 PM. As a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, I respectfully request that you give this address your special attention. The FairTax is the right Federal tax reform for everyone in the United States. It is also the most stimulative action the Congress can enact.

Additionally, Congressman King noted in his January 12, 2009 press release: Implementing the FairTax would immediately eliminate tax barriers that presently hurt American companies and favor production abroad over production here in America. Right now, when American companies export their products overseas, they must pay payroll taxes, embedded taxes and compliance costs to the IRS, and then compete directly with foreign manufacturers who do not pay these taxes.

Our current income tax system puts American products at a disadvantage on the world market and makes American products more expensive than their competitors in foreign markets. With the FairTax, American producers will no longer be forced to pass on embedded costs to foreign customers.

I respectfully request that a vigorous debate about the FairTax be the most important issue the House Ways and Means Committee addresses this year.

I presume the 6pm time is Eastern Daylight time. Please contact your representatives in Congress and ask them to be present to support this effort by Rep. King.